Wednesday, November 7, 2007

At Least I Took the Whole "Not Posting on My Blog Ever" Thing and Really Ran with It

Discovering Jeremy's busted driver's side window this morning brings the total number of car break-ins we've experienced to three in five months. I see cops in our area but they're never actually working, only getting breakfast tacos.

In related news, we are making an offer on this house today.

I think we would have fewer things stolen if we lived there.

Now back to our regularly scheduled silence.


Stanley said...

Oh, man. That sucks about the car(s). How soon till you find out about the house?

Beth said...

It's a foreclosure undergoing a "short sale" as well, and while I don't really know that that means, I do know that the result is that we don't find for some time. Closing is 12/21 so that'd be the latest.