Thursday, September 6, 2007


As I was leaving work today it occurred to me that of our four male employees, three carry man-bags and only one is gay. Somehow my Timbuk2 has achieved Most Masculine Carrier status. I win.

Of late Jeremy and I have been spending an inordinate amount of time house hunting. This is due partly to our roommate/landlord's planned departure/house sale next summer, and partly to the fact that Houston housing is under-valued and the market here is not quite as eff-ed as it is everywhere else. It's almost as if the little Baby Jesus smiled down on me from heaven and said "You know what, I'm gonna reward you for all the shit luck you've had recently by making a two bedroom one bath cottage totally affordable for you." See, living in an entirely undesirable city really does pay off! And I'm not just talking about the killer breakfast tacos. Anyway, we're doing it the fun way, where you do some investigating of your own and let your imagination run wild to the world of possibilities all before actually talking to the bank. This dream-crushing conversation occurs this weekend. Will keep you posted.

Speaking of the roommate/landlord. He is driving me bat shit insane. Who applies to what, 20 (?) grad schools anyway? And then talks about that, and only that, constantly. If I remember correctly, I myself tired of the topic some time around November of 1999. Best quote: "It's so weird. For the past, like, three or four weeks everyone I talk to winds up talking to me about grad school. And I'm totally not the one bringing it up!" Umm, yes. Yes you are.

Also. I got a car alarm installed. In the subsequent five days my car has totally not been stolen. Woot! Probably since it's so uber-awesome and supa-sensitive. Meaning it goes off All The Time. Like if you walk your dog by it. Or breathe. Score!

My job is still going swimmingly and recently has primarily revolved around planning this enormous party. The theme is burlesque and there are gonna be girls on swings hanging from the ceiling getting naked. Envy me.

Our quest for a store that can even begin to rival C-Ville Market may be over, as Jeremy and I finally visited Canino's Produce and picked up about $15 worth of vegetables for $7. The selection is vast, they're open daily, and prices are rock bottom. Of course there's a huge open-air market behind the main building that seems to house all the best deals. Never before have I wished so badly that I retained more than a hint of my college Spanish. Good news is that any feeling of despondency is immediately erased upon visiting the Mexican bakery next door. Four enormous, delicious pastries for $1.90? Yes please.

The weather here is still oppressively hot and unfathomably humid. But guess what? Fall is coming and I'm gonna be warm, bitches.

Lately I've been:
Reading this. Inspired by Nate, I tried reading a book about salt, but couldn't get past the long (boringly-related) history. Now I'm reading about corn and, hello, tis fascinating!

Baking this. It was good, but probably not worth the three or four pounds I'm sure I put on as a result.

Listening to...oh wait, I've only been listening to my iPod, now seemingly filled solely with old songs I am SO SO sick of. The reason being twofold: still no CD player in the car, and Best Buy still has my old laptop. The one with my iTunes library on it. Or rather it was on there when I turned the thing in so they could fix the 'x' key. Then they erased my hard drive. No one can tell me if a back-up exists or not. Oh and my new computer doesn't want to talk to my iPod, and gives me the option of either deleting all my songs and starting afresh or, well, nothing. I've heard rumors that there's some program that let's you go from iTunes to iPod, rather than the reverse, and loads all your songs to your blank library. Is this true? Send it to me.


Stanley said...

still no CD player in the car

This is inexcusable! What are you waiting for?

sbma44 said...

Re: getting music off your ipod -- I haven't used any of the referenced programs yet, but this article looks like a promising start: